
Many quilters will collect and amass a “fabric stash” over time, it’s a byproduct of the hobby. I’ve done a de-stash a few months ago and now I’m doing a deeper de-stash. I’m “curating” my fabric collection. I’ve pulled fabrics that I’ve used in prior projects and ones I’ve not used because my personal tastes have changed. I have ZERO guilt in doing this. The money was spent long ago and I’ve made beautiful things with most of it. If others can enjoy it then why not donate it? There are many nonprofit organizations that can utilize crafting supplies and I donate to them. I also make items for a nonprofit and donate to them.

Being honest with yourself and not having guilt about getting rid of things is hard for some. I grew up in a household o where it was customary to keep thing because of the “what if I need it attitude”. I’m not my parents. I don’t need to keep things I’m not using and know that I wont use.

For me I stopped feeling guilty about getting rid of things and I started feeling good about donating to worthy causes. By clearing out items that I wasn’t using, ones that were taking up valuable space rid of of hidden anxiety. My new crafting space gives me joy. This latest de-stash is one that’s helping me to focus on what I want my space to feel like and what create in the coming year.


Using “off brand” bobbins