Organizing Small Projects

I have a set aside space just for my projects no matter what stage of completion they’re in. My container of choice for storing my projects is Sterilite as they fit my needs. I use a Brother P-touch label maker and I make labels for every one of of them. Those labels are easy to peel off when I change the contents of the box.

The first thing in the box is the pattern, then I go through each item needed to complete the project. If there’s a particular color of thread needed for the project, then I include that as well. If there are things that are needed to finish said project then I include a note as to what those items are. There are times when I’ll cut all of the pieces for a project and come back to it later and sew up blocks when I have time.

The key thing is to allot ample storage space for your project boxes and clearly label the containers. You’ll discover that you’re no longer losing pieces or worse- accidently using fabrics intended for other projects.


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